Tibolddaróci Kapusi Kert

Presentation of the KAPUSI FOREST


The KAPUSI FOREST can be found in the border of Tibolddaróc, next to the paved road on a westerly, 5-20° sloping gradienty hillside, 160-200 m in an altitude above a sea level. The KAPUSI FOREST is made up of three neighbouring forestparts: 1,4 ha acacia (acacia clone-archives), 4,8 ha other hardleafy forest (treecollection), 0,9 ha woody orchard.

Dr. Imre Kapusi is a forestengineer (and the owner of the area), he dealt with the breeding of acacia and the biologyexpansion of the acaciaforests (for example energetics plantation) more than 20 years. The generality of the lineclone and the linegeneration can be found in the KAPUSI FOREST. Function of the clone-archives: geneconservation of the seedcropping and preparation of the newer mother spawns.

The 4,8 ha hardleafy part of the KAPUSI FOREST in point of fact is a treespecies-comperative experiment, which expend more than 100 treespecies. The keywords of the experiment: biological varied, genetic change, droughtsuffering ability, association ability and profitpossibility.

Dr. Imre Kapusi’s hobbys are the analysis of the enumerated topics separately and together too. The main aim of the experiment is an expansion of hungarian exaggeratedly dry production sides afforestationly biological base. The exaggeratedly dry production sides are for example the hilly barrenness, the flaty calcareous shifting sand, the dropped rubbish-shoot, the newly building expressway and industrial park, etc.

In the woody orchard of the KAPUSI FOREST can be found 17 sort of woody fruits, which are suited for human consuption. Among in spring of 2000 planted wildproducting fruit tree were their selectated relatives picked out but only those, which don’t need to cut or spray. The most important production of the woody orchard is a special seed, what made for the biological base expension of extensive fruitcultivation.

The KAPUSI FOREST is the owner medicine chest. 29 sort of treespecies can be found in the FOREST, which utility like herb.

The KAPUSI FOREST is a bee-range, where you can found always tree or bush in blossom from spring till autumn.

The KAPUSI FOREST is a living landscape (attraction in the tourism). The position of the area, the ordintaion of treespecies, the variety of the colours-forms-sizes accord special perspective in every season.

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